Steps to Write an Effective Meta Description for SEO

Meta description is one of the most important elements of your SEO strategy. It’s a short description of your page that appears in search results. It has a huge influence on the click-through rate (CTR) of your pages.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to write an effective meta description for SEO. We’ll cover the following topics:

## What is a meta description?

Why is meta description important for SEO? What are the best practices for writing meta descriptions? How do you measure the success of your meta description in terms of SEO? How to write meta description that attracts users and search engines? What is the best meta description length? How long should your meta descriptions be? How often should you update meta descriptions for SEO purposes? How can you optimize meta description to rank higher in SERPs? What can you do to optimize the meta description of a page? What should you avoid when writing meta description and why? When should you use meta description on a page and when not to? Why should you write meta descriptions on every page of your website? What do you need to know about meta description before you start writing them? What factors should you consider when choosing the right keywords for your meta title and description? What keywords should you include in your meta titles and descriptions? What types of keywords can you use in meta descriptions and how to choose the right ones for your site? How should you choose the best keywords for meta description when you have a large number of pages? How many meta descriptions should you have on a single page? Why are meta descriptions important for mobile users? What type of meta description is best suited for mobile search results? What does meta description look like on a mobile device? Why is it important to have meta descriptions that are optimized for mobile devices? What meta description format is best for mobile searches? What to do if you don’t have meta description at all? Why meta descriptions are important for e-commerce websites? What kind of meta descriptions work best for eCommerce websites? How much time should you spend on meta description optimization for ecommerce? Why you should use meta descriptions in your ecommerce website? How you can optimize meta descriptions to rank better in SERP? How meta description can help you increase your conversion rate? What you should do to get more clicks on your product pages? Why it is important to optimize your product descriptions? Why product descriptions are so important for your eCommerce business? What kinds of product descriptions work well for your business? How product descriptions can increase your sales? What not to do when writing product descriptions for your online store? When and why you should write product descriptions on your e-Commerce site? What makes a good product description? How your product description should look like? What text should be used in product description and how should it be written? What elements should be included in a product description to make it more attractive? How does product description affect the conversion rate of your products? How important is product description in eCommerce? What product description formats are best for your product? Why do you have to write product description for your products in the first place? How are product descriptions different from other types of content on your website and what makes them different? How and when should you add product descriptions to your product page? How will product description help you sell more products? What will happen if you do not include product description on your products pages? What happens if you have no product descriptions at all on your pages? When do you really need to use product descriptions and when you can do without them? Why and how you can use product images to promote your products online? Why your product images should be optimized for search engines and mobile devices. How to optimize product images for search engine and mobile device. How product images affect your sales and conversion rate. Why product images are more important than product descriptions. What is a product image and how can it help you promote your product online? What image formats are good for product images and why are they better than other formats? What size of product images is best? What settings should you keep in mind when taking product images? Why image optimization is important for product pages. How you should take product images. What to consider when taking a product photo. What settings to use when taking your product photos. Why your photos should be high-resolution. What should be in your product photo? What photo editing software do you use to take product photos? What software are you using to edit your photos? Why editing your photos is important. What are some of the best editing software for product photos and why they are better than others. Why you need a professional photographer to take photos for your website. How much does it cost to hire a photographer? Why hiring a photographer can be a good investment for your company. How a good photographer can make a big difference in your business. What do professional photographers do when they take a photo? Why professional photographers are better at taking product photos than amateurs. What you can learn from professional photographers. Why hiring professional photographers can be beneficial to your business and how much it will cost you. Why it can be worth it to spend money on professional photography. How professional photography can help your business grow. How hiring a professional photography company can benefit your online business. Why a good photography can be the difference between success and failure. How photography can improve your sales. Why photography is an important part of your online marketing strategy and how it can make you more money. Why having good photography on your site can make your business more successful. Why professional photography is a must-have for any eCommerce website.

Steps to Write an Effective Coworking Business Plan

## Preface

Coworkingis a business model that allows people to work together in a shared office space. Coworkers can work from home, from coffee shops, or from coworking spaces.

In this book, you will learn how to write an effective business plan for a coworking business. You will learn about the business model, the team, the product, the market, the competition, the financials, the marketing, the legal, the technology, the operations, the management, and the summary. You can use this book to create your own business plan, or you can use it as a guide to help you create a business plan that will work for you and your coworking space.

This book is for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are interested in starting or expanding their coworking businesses. This book is also for people who want to learn more about the coworking model and how to use it in their business.

## About This Book

This book was written to provide you with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to writing an effective plan for your business. It will help you to create a plan that is easy to understand, easy to implement, and easy to adapt as your business grows and changes over time. The book is organized into 12 chapters, each of which covers a different aspect of the business plan. Each chapter is designed to be used as a stand-alone unit, so you can skip around as you need to. The chapters are also designed so that they can be used in combination with each other. For example, you can start with Chapter 1, “Introduction,” and then move on to Chapter 2, “The Business Model.” Or you can jump directly to Chapter 11, “Management,” and work your way through the rest of the chapters in order. The goal is to make this book as easy to use as possible, so that you can focus on writing your business plan instead of struggling to figure out how to put the chapters together in the order that makes the most sense to you.

Note: This is not a book that will teach you how to run a business. Rather, it is a book about how to plan and write a business that is based on coworking. If you are looking for information about running a business, you may want to check out the books listed in the Resources section at the end of this book.

If you have any questions about the book, please feel free to contact. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about this book or about coworking in general. I also encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with me on Twitter.

Thank you for your interest in coworking, and I hope that you find this book useful. I look forward to hearing from you!

## Acknowledgments

I would like to thank my family and friends for their support and encouragement. I am particularly grateful to my wife, Michelle, for her love and support, and to my children, who inspire me every day to be the best person I can be. Finally, I am indebted to the people who have helped me along the way, including my teachers, mentors, and business partners. Without them, I would not be where I am today. I hope I have been able to pay them back in some small way by helping others to start and grow their own coworking companies.

## Introduction

If you have ever worked in an office, you know that it can be difficult to get things done when you are surrounded by other people. This is especially true if you are the only person in the office who is trying to get work done. The same thing is true when you work in a coffee shop, a library, or any other place where other people are trying to do the same thing at the same time. You may be able to get more work done if you work alone, but you will never be as productive as you could be if you worked with other people who are also trying to accomplish the same things that you are. The coworking movement is a response to this problem. It is an attempt to create an environment where people can work together and help each other to be more productive. In this chapter, we will look at what coworking is, how it works, and why it is becoming more popular. We will also look at some of the challenges that you will face when you decide to start or expand your own company based on this business model.

In the last few years, coworking has become a popular way to work. There are now more than 2,000 coworking locations in the United States, and that number continues to grow. Many of these locations are located in coffee shops and libraries, but some are also located in office buildings, hotels, and other places where people work together. People who work in these spaces are referred to as “coworkers.”

Coworkers come together to work in the same space, but they do not necessarily work for the same company. Instead, they work for themselves. Each coworker is responsible for his or her own work, and each coworker has the freedom to work as much or as little as he or she wants. Coworkers can work on their own, or they can work as part of a team. They can choose to work alone or in a group, and they are free to choose the type of work that they want to do.

The coworking business model is different from the traditional office model in a number of important ways. First, there are no cubicles. Second, there is no boss.

Learn How to Avoid the Deadliest Content Writing Mistakes

Writing content is one of the most important things you can do for your website or app.

But it’s easy to make mistakes, especially when you’re new to content writing. In this article, you’ll learn how to avoid the most common content writing mistakes, so you can write better content faster.

## What Are the Most Common Mistakes in Content Writing?

The most common mistakes in content writing are:

1. Writing too much.

2. Not writing enough.

3. Trying to write too much for too many different audiences.

If you try to write content for multiple audiences, you may end up writing too much or too little content, depending on which audiences you’re trying to reach.

4. Focusing too much on writing for search engines and not enough on your audience. If you focus too much attention on search engine optimization, you might end up with content that doesn’t answer your audience’s questions, and isn’t useful to them.

5. Striving for perfection. Perfection is a myth. If you strive for perfection, you won’t be able to produce content that’s useful to your audience, and you’ll end up spending a lot of time writing content that no one wants to read.

## How Can You Avoid Making These Mistakes?

You can avoid making these mistakes by taking the following steps:

### Step 1: Know Your Audience

Before you write any content, you need to know who your audience is. You need to understand who they are, what they’re looking for, and what they care about. You can learn a lot about your audience by asking yourself questions like these:

– Who is your audience?

– What are they looking for on your website and in your app?

For example, if you’re writing content for an e-commerce site, your audience might be people who want to buy a product. They might be looking for information about the product, or they might want to compare it to other products.

If you’re creating content for a blog, you could be writing for people who are interested in learning more about a particular topic, or people who just want to read interesting content. You might also be writing content to drive traffic to your site, or to increase the number of people who subscribe to your email list.

If your audience isn’t clear to you, it’s probably not clear to them, either. So before you start writing, make sure you have a clear understanding of who your target audience is, and why they might be interested in what you have to say.

### Step 2: Write for One Audience at a Time

Once you know who you want to reach with your content, the next step is to focus on one audience at a time. You don’t want to write one piece of content that you think will be useful to multiple audiences. Instead, you should write content that is useful to one audience, then move on to the next audience. For example, you wouldn’t write a blog post that was useful to both people who wanted to learn about a topic, and people who were interested in buying a product related to that topic. You would write two different blog posts, one for each audience.

When you write for one audience only, you can be more specific about what that audience is looking for. You’ll also have a better idea of what you should be writing about, since you’ll know what your audience wants to learn, and how they want to learn it. This will make your content more useful, and it will also make it easier for you to write it. You won’t have to think about multiple audiences at once, which makes it easier to get started, and easier to stay on track when you do get started.

## Writing for Multiple Audiences

It’s also important to remember that you don’t always have to write for only one audience when you write content. Sometimes, it makes sense to write about a single topic for a variety of audiences. This can be a good idea if you want your content to reach a wide range of people, and if you think that your audience will benefit from reading different types of content at the same time. It can also be a great way to get feedback from your audience about your content. If people like one type of content, but don’t like another type, they can let you know about it so you can make changes to your content before you publish it.

In addition to writing for different audiences, it can also make sense to publish different kinds of content on your site or app.

How to Write Great Content for Messaging Bots

## Introduction

Messaging bots are becoming more and more common on the internet. They are used for a variety of purposes, including customer service, sales, and marketing. In this article, we will discuss how to write great content for a messaging bot.

## What is a Messaging Bot?

A messaging botis a computer program that is designed to communicate with a human user. It can be as simple as a chat bot, or as complex as a virtual assistant. Messaging bots can be used for many different purposes, such as customer service and sales. They can also be used to automate repetitive tasks. For example, a bot can be programmed to send an email to a customer when they do not answer a message within a certain amount of time. A messaging bot is also known as a chat botor a conversational bot.

There are many different types of messaging bots. Some are designed to interact with a single user, while others can interact with multiple users at the same time. There are also bots that are designed for specific purposes, like customer service or sales. Some of the most common types of bots are as follows:

– Chat bots. A chat bot is a type of messaging bot that is used for customer service. Chat bots are used to answer questions and provide information about products and services. They usually use natural language processing (NLP) to understand what the user is asking and provide the appropriate information.

– How to Build a Chat Bot

– Virtual assistants. Virtual assistants are messaging bots that provide information or perform a task for a user. They use NLP to understand the user’s request and perform the task.

– Customer service bots. A customer service bot is used to provide information to a user about a product or service. It usually uses NLP and text-to-speech (TTS) technology to provide the user with the information they are looking for. Some customer service bots can also perform tasks, like booking an appointment or checking the status of an order. For more information, see Customer Service Bots.

– Sales bots. Sales bots are usually used to perform tasks for a sales representative. These tasks include sending emails, making phone calls, scheduling meetings, and more. Some sales bots can even perform tasks that are not directly related to sales, like providing information about the weather or providing a map to a specific location. For information on how to build a sales bot, see the Sales Bots section of this article.

– How to Create a Chatbot for Sales

– Marketing bots. Marketing bots are a relatively new type of bot, but they are becoming increasingly popular. They allow a company to automate some of the repetitive tasks that can be done by a human. A marketing bot can send emails, send text messages, and even make phone calls on behalf of the company. For a more in-depth look at how marketing bots work, read How Marketing Bots Work.

As you can see, messaging bots come in many different shapes and sizes. There is no right or wrong way to write a bot. However, there are some things that you should keep in mind as you write your bot. These tips will help you create a bot that provides the best experience for your users.

## Tips and Tricks for Writing Great Content

In this section, you will learn some tips and tricks that can help you write great messaging bot content. We will start with some general tips and then move to more specific tips for each of the types of bot we discussed earlier in this article.

Before you start writing your bot’s content, it is a good idea to think about what you want your bot to do. What tasks will it perform? What information will it provide to the user? Once you have a clear idea of what your bot will be doing, it will be much easier to write the content for it. You will also be able to focus on writing content that is specific to your bot, rather than trying to write generic content that will work for any bot.

Here are a few general tips for writing great content:

– Write for the user. When you are writing bot content, you should always keep the user in mind. Think about what information the user will need and what tasks they will want the bot to perform. Write the content in such a way that it is easy to understand and provides the information that the user needs. This will make the user more likely to use your bot and keep them coming back for more.

– Make it easy to use. Make sure that your bot is as easy to use as possible. This means that it should be as easy as possible for users to understand how to use it, and it should also be easy for them to use. If the user has to read a lot of information before they can use the bot, they are likely to give up and move on to the next bot. If your bot doesn’t work the way that you expect it to, it won’t be very useful to users.

Cover Letter Examples for All Job Applications in 2022

12 best cover letter examples

Cover Letter Examples for All Job Applications in 2022

Paired with your resume, a well-written cover letter will help you land the job you want. We have 100+ cover letter examples by type and industry to help you make your cover letter persuasive.

five cover letter examples stacked on top of each other — internal position, career change, relocation, entry-level, and professional cover letter samples together

Our extensive list of cover letter samples is perfect for all job seekers, whether you need to write one for a specific life situation (like a career change) or you’re looking for the best cover letter format to use in your industry.

What should a great cover letter say?


Opening Paragraph (Introduction)

Body Paragraphs

The second paragraph of your cover letter should respond directly to the job description written by the hiring manager. Describe how your previous job experiences, skills, and abilities will help you meet the company’s needs. To make that easier, you should include exact words and phrases from the job descriptions in your cover letter.

Closing Paragraph

Your cover letter closing is the call-to-action portion of your cover letter. Inform the hiring manager that you’d love to go in for an interview. Provide your email address or other contact information and tell them that you’ll reach out in a week if you don’t hear back. Thank them for spending their time reading your cover letter.

The Job Description

In my five-year career as a paralegal, I have honed my legal research and writing skills, and the attorneys I’ve worked with have complimented me on my command of case law and litigation support. Spiegel Law Firm’s 20 years in practice proves that the firm has strong values and excellent attorneys, and I’d be eager to join such a talented team.

I currently serve as a paralegal for Chandler, Chandler, and Greene, where I work closely with the partners on a number of high-priority cases. During my time here, I implemented a new calendar system that ensures timely filing of court papers. This system has prevented missed deadlines and allowed for better organization of internal and client meetings.

Previously, as a paralegal for the Neuerburg Law Firm, I received praise for my overall support of the legal team and my positive attitude. While working there, I came up with and implemented a plan for digitizing their old files while still ensuring security and privacy. This led to more efficiency when preparing for client meetings and legal proceedings.

Why This Works

This cover letter is short, sweet, and to the point. It shows the candidate has a knack for getting things done in a thorough and timely matter and a track record for helping out wherever needed. The opening lines also express a genuine interest in this specific firm. Plus, there are some important keywords in there like “calendar system,” “bachelor’s degree,” “paralegal certificate,” and “LexisNexis.”

I’ve been following Vitabe for years, and can proudly say that I open every single email you send to me. I’m a sucker for a good subject line—“Take a Vitamin-ute—We’ll A-B-C You Soon” being my favorite—and the way your email content feels both fun and expert-backed really speaks to me. This is why I’m thrilled to submit my application for a role as email marketing manager at your company.

I have over four years of experience working in the email marketing space. In my current role at Westside Bank, I was able to implement new email campaigns centered around reengaging churned clients. By analyzing data around the types of clients who churn and the engagement of our current email subscribers, as well as A/B testing headlines and newsletter layouts, we were able to increase email subscribers by 15% and convert 30% of those subscribers to purchase our product, a significant increase from the previous year. I also launched a “Your Credit Matters” newsletter focused on educating our clients on how they spend and manage their credit—which became our highest performing campaign in terms of open-rates and click-through to date.

Previously, as a member of the marketing team at Dream Diary Mattresses, I collaborated with the sales and product team to understand how I could best support them in hitting their quarterly goals. One specific project involving creating personalized emails for customers drew more people to come back to our site after 30 days than direct paid ad campaigns, leading to a 112% increase in revenue from the last quarter.

I take the content I write and the calendars I manage seriously, editing and refining beyond detail-oriented and into meticulous territory, and I feel my experience and drive would greatly help Vitabe further develop their email program for success.

Cover Letter Examples By Professions

cover letter example for accountant

cover letter example for customer service

cover letter example for engineering

cover letter example for internship

cover letter for marketing

cover letter example for a receptionist

cover letter example for sales

cover letter for social worker

cover letter example for teachers

Final Tip

No matter which format you choose to use, it’s alright to be flexible. Don’t follow the same structure or layout to the last T. Remove paragraphs as needed, experiment with different degrees of formality and don’t forget to customize each letter for each job you are applying for. Hiring managers can sense a generic cover letter a mile away. So you definitely do not want to eschew your chance for landing a job by forgetting to change something as basic as the company name or address!


Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice. more

Why This Works

This sample cover letter concisely highlights the applicant’s most significant, relevant achievements. By adding context to how their projects were created, monitored, and completed, they’re able to show just how results-driven they are and how they’ve successfully leveraged some of the skills the company is looking for.

One thing worth noting: This person didn’t include keywords such as Constant Contact, Google Analytics, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, or Microsoft Excel—all of which are listed in the job description. But those skills are most likely in their resume already, and leaving them out gives them the space to discuss specific projects and tell a story not visible on other parts of their application.

For roles where written communication is key, such as PR, copywriting, or journalism jobs, your cover letter will likely be the first writing sample your future employer sees. So it’s just as important to show your skill set in action through eloquent writing.

The Job Description

Since I could walk, I’ve been dancing. And since I could read, I’ve been glued to Arabesque Weekly. At one point, you featured one of my local heroes—a ballerina who struggled with an injury early in her career and went on to become a principal dancer at Pacific Northwest Ballet—and I plastered the article above my childhood bed. It’s still there today.

That article—and so many others you’ve published—taught me that dancing was about more than just pirouettes and arabesques and that the right kind of writer can shed light on aspects of the art that make it surprising, impactful, and universal. I can be that writer.

As an editorial assistant at for the past two and a half years, my main responsibility was to get all of our content ready to go live on the site. This included fact-checking, proofreading, adding in HTML where necessary, and finding photos, videos, and GIFs that would complement the content and optimize audience engagement. As I tinkered with each post, I became intimately familiar with our internal CMS. Reviewing every single article we published and following reactions and engagement helped me gain a deep understanding of what makes a piece really land with our audience.

But by far my favorite aspect of this role has been writing. Each week, I pitch and write at least one article, from 250-word news items to 900-word advice pieces to even longer profiles, features, and personal essays. I love the challenge of developing pitches that align with the trends we see in the data, reflect with the company’s brand and mission, and allow me to flex my creative muscles.

Collaborating with my team to form the best content library we can has been a dream come true. I would be so excited to use my experience to help Arabesque Weekly achieve its goals. And I hope to one day write a story that another little dance lover tapes to their wall forever.

Free cover letter template

If you’re still unsure what to include in your cover letter, here’s a basic cover letter template that you can use to get started. Simply copy and paste it into Google Docs or Microsoft Word and fill it out with your information:


Introduction Paragraph

The beginning of your cover letter should provide a quick introduction of who you are. Explain who you are, where you found the job advert, what kind of experience you have, and why you’re interested in the job.

Body Paragraphs

The second and third paragraphs of your cover letter should outline your work experience, qualifications, and skills. However, don’t simply repeat the information listed on your CV. Instead, address the job advert directly, and explain how your talents align with the the company’s needs.

Closing Paragraph

The final paragraph of your cover letter should include a polite call-to-action. Tell the employer that you’re eager to come in for an interview and further discuss your experience. Then, provide your contact information and politely suggest that you’ll reach out shortly to make sure they received your application. Finally, thank them for their time and consideration.

Written by Conrad Benz


Content Optimization Strategy: 11 Steps To Create SEO Content


Введение в поисковую оптимизацию

Это руководство предназначено для владельцев сайтов, веб-мастеров и тех, кто монетизирует контент в интернете или продвигает его с помощью Google Поиска. Изложенная здесь информация также может пригодиться предпринимателям, которые расширяют бизнес, владельцам нескольких сайтов, специалистам по оптимизации и просто тем, кому интересно, как работают поисковые системы. Кроме того, эта статья будет полезна пользователям, которым нужна дополнительная информация о том, какие методы поисковой оптимизации рекомендуют наши специалисты. Рекомендации, приведенные в этом руководстве, не гарантируют высокий рейтинг сайта в Google. Однако, следуя им, вы можете упростить для робота Google процедуру сканирования, индексации и обработки веб-контента.

Для поисковой оптимизации зачастую достаточно внести небольшие изменения в некоторые разделы сайта. Каждое такое изменение в отдельности может показаться незначительным, но в комплексе они могут заметно повысить удобство пользования сайтом и его положение в результатах поиска. Вероятно, вы знакомы со многими темами в этом руководстве, поскольку они имеют непосредственное отношение к веб-дизайну, но могли ранее не уделять им должного внимания.

Чтобы сделать сайт удобным для посетителей, а также улучшить его позицию в результатах поиска, его нужно оптимизировать. Поисковая оптимизация помогает поисковым системам правильно интерпретировать ваш контент и представлять его пользователям. Ваш сайт может быть меньше нашего сайта, который мы используем для примеров, или намного больше него, но принципы оптимизации, изложенные ниже, применимы к веб-ресурсам любого масштаба и типа. Наши рекомендации помогут вам улучшить сайт. Если вы хотите задать вопрос, оставить отзыв или рассказать свою историю успеха, посетите справочный форум Центра Google Поиска.

С чего начать


  • Индекс. Google хранит информацию обо всех просканированных страницах в индексе. Каждая запись в индексе содержит информацию о контенте и расположении (URL) соответствующей страницы. Проиндексировать – загрузить страницу, обработать контент на ней и добавить ее в индекс. Пример: робот Googlebot сегодня проиндексировал несколько страниц на моем сайте.
  • Сканирование – поиск новых и измененных веб-страниц. Google находит URL, переходя по ссылкам, считывая информацию из файлов Sitemap, а также другими способами. Google сканирует интернет, чтобы найти новые веб-страницы, и при необходимости индексирует их.
  • Поисковый робот – специальная программа, которая сканирует (просматривает) страницы в интернете и индексирует их.
  • Робот Googlebot – общее название поискового робота Google. Пример: Робот Googlebot постоянно сканирует интернет.
  • Поисковая оптимизация – процесс, который призван сделать структуру сайта и его контент доступнее и понятнее для поисковых систем. Также вам может встречаться аббревиатура SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Например, SEO-специалист – это специалист по поисковой оптимизации.

Есть ли ваш сайт в Google?

Узнайте, включен ли ваш сайт в индекс Google

Что делать, если вашего сайта нет в Google

Как добавить сайт в Google

Наша поисковая система полностью автоматизирована, и роботы постоянно сканируют интернет, добавляя в индекс новые страницы. Обычно вам достаточно просто опубликовать свой сайт, и со временем он попадет в наш индекс. Именно так в индексе оказались почти все сайты, которые представлены в Google Поиске. Подробнее о том, как Google обнаруживает веб-страницы, сканирует их и подбирает результаты поиска…

Обеспечить эффективное сканирование сайта роботами Google вам помогут наши рекомендации для веб-мастеров. Если вы будете им следовать, ваш сайт наверняка попадет в результаты поиска, хотя гарантировать это невозможно.

В Search Console есть инструменты, позволяющие добавлять контент в Google и проверять, как он выглядит в результатах поиска. Также вам могут приходить из Search Console уведомления об ошибках, найденных на вашем сайте. Вы можете зарегистрироваться в Search Console по этой ссылке.

Нужен ли вам специалист по поисковой оптимизации

Такой специалист способен улучшить позиции вашего сайта в поисковых системах. В этом руководстве достаточно информации о том, как самостоятельно оптимизировать сайт, но вы можете привлечь специалиста, чтобы он проверил ваши страницы.

Обращение к специалисту по поисковой оптимизации – важный шаг, который позволяет улучшить сайт и сэкономить время. Обязательно проанализируйте все потенциальные преимущества, а также возможные риски плохой поисковой оптимизации. Многие специалисты по оптимизации, агентства и консультанты предоставляют владельцам сайтов полезные услуги, включая перечисленные ниже.

Прежде чем приступать к выбору специалиста по поисковой оптимизации, полезно самостоятельно разобраться в том, как устроены поисковые системы. Рекомендуем полностью прочитать это руководство и ознакомиться со следующими ресурсами:

Если вы решили воспользоваться услугой поисковой оптимизации, не откладывайте этот шаг. Особенно полезно сделать это перед созданием нового сайта или изменением дизайна старого. Так вы сможете наилучшим образом адаптировать сайт к требованиям поисковой системы. Однако хороший специалист может улучшить и существующий сайт.

Types of Content Optimization for SEO

On-Page Content Optimization

On-page content optimization includes creating high-quality content on your site based on the questions of your target audience. Once you create the content, you’ll optimize it using on-page SEO techniques, which include optimizing the page title, meta description, URL, headlines, images, and body content.

Content Optimization for Backlinks

Backlinks are the second most crucial search engine ranking factor after high-quality content. Optimizing your content for backlinks means creating content using the various elements that attract backlinks.

If you don’t optimize your content for backlinks, you’ll struggle to persuade other websites to link to it. As a result, your content won’t rank for your target keywords, since Google considers the number of backlinks to a site as a primary ranking factor.

Content Optimization for Conversions

The goal of content marketing is to attract visitors to your site and convert them into leads, subscribers, or customers. To achieve this goal, you need to optimize your content for conversions.

History shows that the longer a user stays on your site consuming your content, the more likely they are to convert into subscribers. Plus, average time on a site is also an important search ranking factor. So the more time people spend on your site, the better it is for its rankings.


SEO is one of the biggest buzzwords of our era, but for good reason. You cannot expect to run a profitable business these days if your web pages don’t rank highly in search results. Building a powerful optimization strategy is critical to the overall success and performance of your company.

In this post, we showed you how to exploit power words to make your SEO strategy more productive. With all these tricks at your disposal, designing an outstanding optimization plan becomes much easier, so make sure to use our suggestions.

Written by

Ellie Chapman is a content creator and SEO enthusiast. Ellie is a passionate professional who lives and breathes optimization-related topics, so she rarely ever spends the whole week without writing a new post. In her spare time, Ellie loves to watch films and bowl – just like her favorite movie character, The Big Lebowski.

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How to ask for a letter of recommendation (with examples)

Get Into Your Top Choice School

What are letters of recommendation typically for?

A recommendation letter is written by someone who can recommend your professional or academic performance. Because the writer is personally recommending you, the letter can add favorable weight to your reputation. It shows that you have the personality, character traits, and abilities to succeed in the program or role you’re applying for.


Academic recommendation letters are usually for college applications, scholarships, or fellowship programs. They are often sent to admissions officers as part of the application process. These letters provide additional information about your academic achievements and talents.

Letters of recommendation vs. references

A reference letter is more general in nature than a letter of recommendation. It is a broad assessment of skills and experience. Reference letters are usually addressed “To Whom It May Concern” rather than a specific person.


Each reference should include the contact information of people who have agreed to vouch for your character and skills. For references, you can ask former employers, supervisors, business contacts, mentors, clients, teachers, lecturers, or faculty members.

A letter of recommendation also covers a person’s work ethic, attitude, and suitability for what they are applying for. It is a unique letter written based on the writer’s personal experience with you.

A good letter of recommendation is often stronger than a reference because the writer is recommending you for a certain job or program. These letters are addressed to a specific recipient, such as the hiring manager of a company.

Choosing the right person to write your letter of recommendation is essential. While it’s ideal for them to be a professional in their field, what’s more important is their relationship with you. Choose someone that has an understanding of your personality and career aspirations.

It’s also preferable to have a diverse group of people vouching for your abilities. If the same person writes your letter of recommendation and acts as a reference, this could appear as though you do not have enough people willing to attest to your skills and personality.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Asking a teacher or professor to write a recommendation letter

Classwork: It can be beneficial to write a summary document outlining classwork, grades, and achievements so that the professor can reference it when writing the recommendation letter. A professor who teaches hundreds of students is going to need something to look at when they start to write a letter.

how to ask for a letter of recommendation

A resume: Including a resume can be helpful for the request of a recommendation letter. It can show the professor what career path the student wants to take. And what they are trying to communicate or convey to future employers through prior work experience, skills, and more.

A deadline: Asking a professor to complete the recommendation letter by a certain date can ensure that the student receives the proper recommendation on time. This can ensure that the student doesn’t miss the opportunity to submit the job application before waiting for the professor to complete the letter. This can be especially helpful if using the recommendation letter for a graduate study program or scholarship request.

Be sure to check school policies on asking for letters of recommendation. Some professors, teachers, and institutions force the student to submit a recommendation form. This form puts a formal request to the professor to ask for a letter of recommendation.

how to ask for a letter of recommendation

Key Takeaways for Recommendation Requests

  • Ask a teacher (or two) who knows you well and in whose class you excelled. The better relationship you have with your recommender, the more insightful your recommendation letter will be. It helps if the teacher is known to be a strong writer, too!
  • Request your reference letters in person. This adds a personal touch and shows respect.
  • In addition to telling your recommenders your deadlines and important logistics, give them thoughtful reflections on your values, goals, and accomplishments on your brag sheet. Take time with this, as it could be a huge aid as your recommenders write your letter.
  • Thank them for helping you apply to college, and let them know where you end up!

Perhaps the most important takeaway is that letters of recommendation are important, as are the connections you have with your teachers and counselor in high school. Approach this part of your application with a plan, and express your appreciation of your recommenders’ role in helping you get into college. All this commitment and goal-setting is definitely the kind of thing you could put on a brag sheet.

What’s Next?

In order to add recommenders to the Common Application, first you have to respond to the FERPA waiver. Read all about what it means and how it affects your right to access your letters of recommendation.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We’ve written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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Rebecca graduated with her Master’s in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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Network management

Operators are given written instructions (suggested ports and inroutes) which are the results of studies of performance data and planning information, always done off-line. The instructions are updated on an irregular basis and operators sometimes have to take decisions based on outdated information. Thus, the process of selection of hardware components is often one of trial and error: configurations are used as long as problems are not encountered. There is a need for the user interface to provide this information on-line so that decisions can be based on current information.

Network Performance Monitor

Network Management System

Fault management

The NMS manages every alarm, alerts, events and status information forwarded by the SLTE and the PFE including equipment fault, transmission fault (e.g. loss of signal (LOS) and loss of frame (LOF) alarms), transmission degradation alert, optical degradation alert, electrical degradation alert… Other items may be generated by the NMS to raise threshold crossing alert based on repeater (REP), branching unit (BU), ROADM measures. And some NMS system alerts may be raised by the NMS on its own operations like data quota management.

Those items, often called alarms, are managed by the NMS in current alarm list and historical alarm bases. The NMS offers various facilities to user: search, filtering, audible alert, acknowledgment, export, print, archive/retrieve, quota, backup/restore, purge…

What is Network Management?

breaking down network management

If you’re new to this topic, you may have a number of questions about how to manage networks, as it’s a broad category that encompasses numerous, different tasks. Put simply, there are five main areas that should be part of any effective network management system. There can be some overlap between these categories, but the general breakdown is as follows:

  1. Network Administration – Administration of a network includes keeping an inventory of network resources and equipment, including cables, hubs, routers, servers, and computers. In addition, it can mean setting up networks, monitoring their performance, and updating and troubleshooting software. It also involves setting up network management tools, operating systems, and software used across the entire network.
  2. Network Operation – Operations is all about keeping the network running smoothly and without problems. It includes monitoring the network for performance problems and faults, as well as fixing problems before they affect end users, or at least in the timeliest manner possible.
  3. Network Maintenance – Maintenance includes the repair and upgrade of network equipment (including routers, transmission cables, servers, workstations, and switches). It also involves updating and patching software on an ongoing basis, along with implementing preventative policies, updating access control measures, and improving faulty configurations.
  4. Network Provisioning – The provisioning task is all about allocating and configuring network resources to best suit a particular service or need. For example, a project may have a lot of people coming in from offsite, which could increase the need for broadband. If a team needs extra storage space or file transfer capabilities, the responsibility falls on IT. The network administrator works to provide resources to meet the growing and changing needs of the business.
  5. Network Security – Keeping a network secure is important for the network to function in a healthy way to fulfill the needs of the business. This involves installing and maintaining network protection software, monitoring IP and network behavior, tracking endpoint devices, and quickly resolving security issues or breaches.

The Best Network Management Software

In ranking the following network management tools, we have considered user-friendliness, range of functionality, scalability, and several other factors to help you assess which is best suited to your business’ individual requirements.


SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM)


SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) is a versatile and user-friendly market-leading solution. As a tool built on the unique SolarWinds Orion ® Platform, it can be integrated with other SolarWinds products, including SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor. Compatibility with many other SolarWinds tools allows NCM’s functionality to be extended, providing unrivaled network insight.

SolarWinds Kiwi CatTools

SolarWinds Kiwi CatTools

SolarWinds Kiwi ® CatTools was created to support businesses with small networks, delivering an affordable but efficient network management solution. Kiwi CatTools is especially suited to enterprises hoping to implement a solution that can perform bulk changes to configurations across multiple devices concurrently, automate configuration backups, and rapidly roll back to pre-existing configurations when necessary.

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine, like SolarWinds, offers solutions designed for enterprise-grade IT monitoring and management. ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager can manage multiple configurations—like switches, firewalls, and routers—and offers support for multi-vendor environments.

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor is a sensor-based network monitoring tool that gives you the choice of thousands of sensors, enabling you to create a purpose-built solution for your needs. This network management tool is extremely versatile. Here are a few of PRTG Network Monitor’s key features:

ConfiBack (open-source)

ConfiBack (open-source)

ConfiBack, though not as versatile as some of its competitors, offers great value. This free tool comes with some surprisingly impressive features and may be a suitable option for those who are looking for a simple but effective network management solution.

Unfortunately, as a free tool, ConfiBack isn’t recommended for business use. This solution doesn’t include user authentication utilities and doesn’t offer patch management. Despite this, ConfiBack may be a good option for those with few network management needs and who are comfortable using open-source tools.

Network management

หลายคนคงจะได้ทราบข่าวใหญ่แล้วนะครับว่าเมื่อคืนนี้เกิดเหตุการณ์ที่บริการของ Facebook ใช้การไม่ได้ อย่างไรก็ดีหากใครอยากทราบช่วงเวลาเริ่มต้น มุมมองในอีกภาพหนึ่งจาก Cloudflare ผู้ให้บริการตัวกลางบริการอินเทอร์เน็ต ที่วิเคราะห์ไว้อย่างน่าสนใจลองมาติดตามกันครับ

Predecessor table for project network diagram

Network Management

หากพูดถึงภาวะเศรษฐกิจในปีนี้ คงไม่เกินจริงไปนักถ้าจะกล่าวว่ามีความท้าทายเกิดขึ้นมากมาย และยังไม่มีใครรู้ได้ว่าอนาคตที่น่าหวาดหวั่นจะจบลงอย่างไร แต่ที่แน่ๆสิ่งที่องค์กรเข้าใจดีแล้วในช่วงสองสามปีที่ผ่านมาก็คือการปรับตัวเข้าสู่ระบบดิจิทัลให้สามารถแข่งขันได้ผ่านออนไลน์ หรือปรับปรุงกระบวนการทำงานเดิมให้มีประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด หนึ่งในหัวใจสำคัญของระบบดิจิทัลก็คือ ‘การเชื่อมต่อ’ ที่ต้องมีประสิทธิภาพและสเถียรภาพโดย 1 ใน 5 กลยุทธ์ของ AIS Business ที่สอดคล้องกับการฝ่าวิกฤติให้ธุรกิจไทยได้ก้าวต่อไปก็คือเรื่อง Intelligence Network ที่สามารถตอบโจทย์ได้อย่างยืดหยุ่นและชาญฉลาดกว่าเดิม วันนี้ทีมงาน TechTalkThai ขอพาทุกท่านไปเจาะลึกกลยุทธ์นี้กันครับ

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Network Management Architecture

7.6 Conclusions

While network management can appear to be a simple function, it is actually a complex set of functions with interesting architectural features. In this chapter we decomposed network management into monitoring, instrumentation, and management, and explored how each of these can be achieved within the network management architecture.

The essence of the network management architecture is in understanding what you want to monitor and manage, determining where you want to locate each network management function, and managing the flows of network management traffic. Depending on the characteristics of the network you are developing, you have a wide range of architectural solutions, from a simple, single-platform system with preconfigured monitoring and management capabilities, to a distributed, hierarchical system where you determine and configure its monitoring and management capabilities.

Continuous Monitoring

Network Management

Network management technologies comprise a wide range of tools and protocols that facilitate operational monitoring of network devices, communication flows, and inbound and outbound network traffic. Automated network management tools are often used at the environment or agency level to collect information about the availability, status, and performance of network components, but they can also be used to detect new hardware, software, or devices connected to the network. Specific actions and events monitored with network management tools vary according to organizational policies and monitoring objectives. Potential uses include monitoring network-connected devices for compliance with technical standards, policies, and configuration specifications; managing network access control; and detecting unauthorized devices introduced into the network environment.

Best Practices for Project Network Diagrams

To take advantage of the positives and avoid the negatives of project network diagrams, it helps to know what works. For example, a network diagram is a visual language, and like any communicative method, it requires using symbols that are shared and universally understood.

A project network diagram is a good start, but you’ll need more than a diagram to control the project management phases. Better to execute your project with a tool that offers full service. ProjectManager is a cloud-based project management software that takes workflow to the next level.

ProjectManager gives you the tools to turn your project network diagram into a full-fledged project schedule with Gantt charts that allow you to identify the critical path, assign tasks to your team members and add durations and due dates. You can avoid bottlenecks in your workflow by linking tasks that are dependent on one another. Break projects into milestones to further make large phases of the project more digestible.

Gantt chart screenshot

There’s even a resource tool that shows which team members are under- or overallocated to keep the workload balanced. This keeps work flowing and prevents costly overallocation of resources or missed deadlines.

Visualize Workflows with Dynamic Boards

Workflow is further managed with the kanban project view. Just switch to the board view and everything on your Gantt is now reflected in a kanban board. The workflow is represented by customizable columns, which indicate where each task is in the project.

kanban screenshot in ProjectManager

Each task is a card that can be dragged and dropped from column to column, which provides transparency into the process and keeps teams focused on just the tasks that they have the capacity to complete. When team members update their status, that data is instantly reflected across the entire software. Automated email notifications keep teams alert when changes are made or deadlines are approaching.

After you’ve given the free network diagramming apps a spin and get a feel for how they handle, take a look at ProjectManager, a cloud-based project management software. Our online Gantt chart does much of what a network diagram can do, but also always for real-time collaboration, status reporting and it’s easy to change as the project changes. Try it free for 30-days with this trial.

Network management

In addition to the hypervisor’s management traffic, the management network should also carry other third-party management applications. For example, BMC’s Remedy (or ITAM) is one of the mature network management systems for enterprise applications. It has built many management components (APIs) to interface with vCenter or the VMware vSphere hypervisor (see Figure 13.57 ).


NetworkManager is a program for providing detection and configuration for systems to automatically connect to networks. NetworkManager’s functionality can be useful for both wireless and wired networks. For wireless networks, NetworkManager prefers known wireless networks and has the ability to switch to the most reliable network. NetworkManager-aware applications can switch from online and offline mode. NetworkManager also prefers wired connections over wireless ones, has support for modem connections and certain types of VPN. NetworkManager was originally developed by Red Hat and now is hosted by the GNOME project.

Enable NetworkManager

After installation, you should start/enable NetworkManager.service . Once the NetworkManager daemon is started, it will automatically connect to any available "system connections" that have already been configured. Any "user connections" or unconfigured connections will need nmcli or an applet to configure and connect.

Additional interfaces

Mobile broadband support

Add connections from a front-end (e.g. nm-connection-editor ) and select mobile broadband as the connection type. After selecting your ISP and billing plan, APN and other settings should be filled in automatically using information from mobile-broadband-provider-info .

PPPoE / DSL support

VPN support

Network Management Architecture

7.6 Conclusions

While network management can appear to be a simple function, it is actually a complex set of functions with interesting architectural features. In this chapter we decomposed network management into monitoring, instrumentation, and management, and explored how each of these can be achieved within the network management architecture.

The essence of the network management architecture is in understanding what you want to monitor and manage, determining where you want to locate each network management function, and managing the flows of network management traffic. Depending on the characteristics of the network you are developing, you have a wide range of architectural solutions, from a simple, single-platform system with preconfigured monitoring and management capabilities, to a distributed, hierarchical system where you determine and configure its monitoring and management capabilities.

Continuous Monitoring

Network Management

Network management technologies comprise a wide range of tools and protocols that facilitate operational monitoring of network devices, communication flows, and inbound and outbound network traffic. Automated network management tools are often used at the environment or agency level to collect information about the availability, status, and performance of network components, but they can also be used to detect new hardware, software, or devices connected to the network. Specific actions and events monitored with network management tools vary according to organizational policies and monitoring objectives. Potential uses include monitoring network-connected devices for compliance with technical standards, policies, and configuration specifications; managing network access control; and detecting unauthorized devices introduced into the network environment.

What to Look For in a Network Configuration Manager

Automating the management of your network configuration will reduce time spent on repetitive yet necessary tasks, coordinate changes throughout the network, and help ensure your network runs at peak performance. A good network configuration manager will minimize configuration errors and optimize the security of your network. It should be able to carry out the following key tasks:

When it comes to automating the management of your configurations, a huge array of tools and programs are on the market. Some are paid, while others are free and open-source, and choosing among them isn’t simple by any means. A paid solution doesn’t necessarily offer good value, and a free solution isn’t necessarily functional.

I’ve reviewed the leading network configuration tools and compiled this guide to help you choose the right one for your business. I’ve included free as well as paid premium tools, to suit the full range of budgets. However, the free tools available tend to be designed for small network rather than large business or enterprise use.

1. SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager

SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) is a feature-heavy, intelligent, and market-leading configuration management program. Since NCM is built on the SolarWinds Orion ® Platform, the tool can be used alongside other SolarWinds tools like Network Performance Monitor to provide deep insights across a network.

NCM boasts impressive features specific to Cisco equipment. During audit sweeps, for instance, the tool integrates checks with the Cisco National Vulnerability Database and provides you with alerts for any security shortfalls, so they can be eradicated with an update, a patch, or an adjustment to the settings of a device. Other Cisco enhancements include insight into device settings for Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances, as well as management and audit utilities for access control lists.

NCM also serves as switch configuration management software, allowing you to make wide-scale, routine configuration changes across targeted devices, regardless of command syntax or vendor. Moreover, the tool’s standardized configurations save time when it comes to troubleshooting or auditing.

2. Kiwi CatTools

Built to support small business networks at an affordable price, SolarWinds Kiwi ® CatTools can benefit companies looking for a network configuration management solution to help automate backups, perform bulk configuration changes to multiple devices simultaneously, and quickly revert or roll back to good configurations to minimize service interruptions caused by bad configs.

Kiwi CatTools configuration management software

© 2020 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.

3. ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

© 2020 Zoho Corp. All rights reserved.

Like SolarWinds, ManageEngine provides a suite of tools for IT service monitoring, which can be integrated to create a unified management and monitoring system. ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager supports multi-vendor environments and can manage a whole host of configurations, including routers, firewalls, and switches. Overall, my favorite thing about it is the dashboard, which offers a range of visualization approaches.

4. Device42 Configuration Management Database

Device42 is particularly well suited for use in data centers. It boasts a range of infrastructure management modules, which cover not only configuration management but also IP address management, data center infrastructure management, and IT asset management. It’s available as either a cloud-based service or an on-premises installation. However, it’s not particularly sophisticated in comparison to the higher-ranking tools.

5. ConfiBack

ConfiBack (short for Configuration Backup) ranks here on account of its value: although it’s a free tool, it offers some impressive utilities. It’s not as sophisticated as many of the other programs on this list but is a solid choice if you’re looking for a network configuration manager without a price tag.

As a free network configuration tool—compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS—ConfiBack is not particularly well suited to business use. It doesn’t include user authentication procedures and lacks a patch manager module. However, for those who have low network management requirements and are open to combing through programming code, this open-source offering might be for you.

Implementing a Network Configuration Management Tool

Managing the settings of connected devices is an important step in securing your network. By implementing a network configuration manager, businesses can automate the process of keeping firmware and software patched and up to date. In this guide, I’ve provided overviews of the best network device management tools, including free open-source and paid solutions, to help you find the right one for your organization. As you sort through your options, you will need to consider the requirements of your operating system, the size of your network, and the limitations of your budget.

The free network configuration tools on the market are suited mainly to small networks and non-business use. Of these free open-source tools, ConfiBack comes out on top, with an impressive suite of utilities. And if you operate a data center and have low-level requirements, Device42 might be a good choice.

For organizations with the budget for a sophisticated, comprehensive tool, you can’t beat SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager. SolarWinds has a history of producing market-leading solutions, so you can invest in the tool with confidence, knowing it’s a top-quality program. NCM balances sophistication with ease of use, provides a clean dashboard with dynamic visualizations, and takes an intuitive and intelligent approach to network configuration management. It can easily integrate with other SolarWinds products and is available as a free trial, so you can test out its capabilities before you commit.

Network management

However, business networks are often fairly large and complex, which means the set of tasks a network administrator will need to perform can quickly overwhelm manual efforts. So, how do you manage a network? Is there a difference between centralized and decentralized network management? In this guide, I define the broader term network management, discuss industry best practices, go over the importance of centralized network management, and how behind the best network management strategies you’ll find the best network monitoring software.


5 Best Network Management Software and Tools

With IT technology continuing to rapidly evolve, networks are becoming increasingly complicated, sophisticated, and sizable. The accelerating growth rate of network technology is caused in part by the increased adoption of IoT, the cloud, and software-defined networking. In this environment, where technology is advancing with overwhelming speed, enterprises must adapt and be agile enough to manage network configurations for all their connected devices.

While networks struggle to keep up with the evolution of the wider market, the network management software responsible for supporting these networks also faces a similar challenge. Given how saturated the current market for network management software is, determining which solution is best suited to your business’s individual needs is difficult. To help you make the right choice, this guide will explain what network configuration is and what you should be looking for when selecting a network management system, in addition to recommending the best free and paid network management solutions available in 2020.

Of the products listed in this guide, I believe SolarWinds ® Network Configuration Manager (NCM) provides the greatest range of functionality and the most user-friendly and intuitive user experience. If you’re looking for a network management system for small corporate networks, Kiwi CatTools ® is also a good option.

Network Configuration Management

Network configuration is the process of determining and defining network flow, how a network will operate, and how a network will be controlled. This happens during the initial stages of setting up a network and involves arranging and maintaining information related to your network components. Network configuration management activities, then, simply involve the continuous process of managing and overseeing network device setup and maintenance, in addition to managing the firmware and software installed on network devices. Network configuration management also involves device discovery, device configuration monitoring, device status monitoring, and inventory maintenance.

The network configurations management database is at the core of network configuration management processes. If a network issue arises and repair is needed, or a network component needs to be upgraded or altered, the network administrator will review the network configuration management database for any relevant information, which they will then use to make informed remediation decisions. The database is responsible for storing the location and IP address for every single hardware device, as well as any other data relating to updates, versions, default settings, and programs.

It’s essential for enterprises to implement a robust and reliable network management system with network configuration management capabilities. Network configuration management utilities allow administrators to track any changes made to a device’s settings and gives them visibility into how those changes could impact network security. For example, certain settings modifications could compromise user privacy or establish a point of weakness in your network. Device firmware may also create vulnerability, which comprehensive network management solutions can also account for by allowing you to track device firmware and distribute updates.

What is Network Management?

breaking down network management

If you’re new to this topic, you may have a number of questions about how to manage networks, as it’s a broad category that encompasses numerous, different tasks. Put simply, there are five main areas that should be part of any effective network management system. There can be some overlap between these categories, but the general breakdown is as follows:

  1. Network Administration – Administration of a network includes keeping an inventory of network resources and equipment, including cables, hubs, routers, servers, and computers. In addition, it can mean setting up networks, monitoring their performance, and updating and troubleshooting software. It also involves setting up network management tools, operating systems, and software used across the entire network.
  2. Network Operation – Operations is all about keeping the network running smoothly and without problems. It includes monitoring the network for performance problems and faults, as well as fixing problems before they affect end users, or at least in the timeliest manner possible.
  3. Network Maintenance – Maintenance includes the repair and upgrade of network equipment (including routers, transmission cables, servers, workstations, and switches). It also involves updating and patching software on an ongoing basis, along with implementing preventative policies, updating access control measures, and improving faulty configurations.
  4. Network Provisioning – The provisioning task is all about allocating and configuring network resources to best suit a particular service or need. For example, a project may have a lot of people coming in from offsite, which could increase the need for broadband. If a team needs extra storage space or file transfer capabilities, the responsibility falls on IT. The network administrator works to provide resources to meet the growing and changing needs of the business.
  5. Network Security – Keeping a network secure is important for the network to function in a healthy way to fulfill the needs of the business. This involves installing and maintaining network protection software, monitoring IP and network behavior, tracking endpoint devices, and quickly resolving security issues or breaches.

Network Management Challenges

There can be many challenges in network management. The reality is that the success of your network management depends on solid planning and an understanding of your individual business needs. Choosing the best network management services to work closely with your business will help you overcome challenges quickly because their expertise will help to deal with issues in a shorter amount of time. There are many network components to consider. The most important aspect of a successful management strategy is in clearly documenting everything and maintaining updated records at all times.

Does your office technology score an A+?

About Curtis Buhrkuhl

Curtis was born and raised in America’s finest city, San Diego, CA. He has been with Office1 since 2015. Curtis has always been intrigued by computers and tech. He started by building computers in middle school and now provides consultation to our clients to organize and build their networks, helping to bring companies, both startups and established businesses, into the cloud. By partnering with Amazon Web Services, we have been able to successfully introduce a new innovative desktop experience.

Network management

N-able N-central® is an IT management solution that enables organizations to manage and track IT devices. The solution comes with key features that include patch management, antivirus protection, backup and disaster recovery. The. Read more

Domotz PRO

Network Management

5.5 Network Management in ATM

Network management standards still need to be adequately addressed. Different parts of ATM’s network management standards are due out in late 1996, but currently there is little support for network management in ATM networks. Currently, the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) Specification based on SNMP has been defined [7] to provide network management capabilities to ATM network administrators. ILMI functions for a UNI provide status, configuration, and control information about link and physical layer parameters at the UNI, as well as address registration across the UNI. Since ATM is intended to be implemented in both the local and wide area, network management should be simplified as the the same technology will be used in all levels in an enterprise network. This area is, in large part, considered “for future study” [7] .

Network Management Architecture

7.6 Conclusions

While network management can appear to be a simple function, it is actually a complex set of functions with interesting architectural features. In this chapter we decomposed network management into monitoring, instrumentation, and management, and explored how each of these can be achieved within the network management architecture.

The essence of the network management architecture is in understanding what you want to monitor and manage, determining where you want to locate each network management function, and managing the flows of network management traffic. Depending on the characteristics of the network you are developing, you have a wide range of architectural solutions, from a simple, single-platform system with preconfigured monitoring and management capabilities, to a distributed, hierarchical system where you determine and configure its monitoring and management capabilities.

Popular Network Management Comparisons

Avast Business Pro Plus


Domotz PRO


ManageEngine OpManager



PathSolutions TotalView

NG Firewall




The Best Network Management Software

In ranking the following network management tools, we have considered user-friendliness, range of functionality, scalability, and several other factors to help you assess which is best suited to your business’ individual requirements.


SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM)


SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) is a versatile and user-friendly market-leading solution. As a tool built on the unique SolarWinds Orion ® Platform, it can be integrated with other SolarWinds products, including SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor. Compatibility with many other SolarWinds tools allows NCM’s functionality to be extended, providing unrivaled network insight.

SolarWinds Kiwi CatTools

SolarWinds Kiwi CatTools

SolarWinds Kiwi ® CatTools was created to support businesses with small networks, delivering an affordable but efficient network management solution. Kiwi CatTools is especially suited to enterprises hoping to implement a solution that can perform bulk changes to configurations across multiple devices concurrently, automate configuration backups, and rapidly roll back to pre-existing configurations when necessary.

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine, like SolarWinds, offers solutions designed for enterprise-grade IT monitoring and management. ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager can manage multiple configurations—like switches, firewalls, and routers—and offers support for multi-vendor environments.

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor is a sensor-based network monitoring tool that gives you the choice of thousands of sensors, enabling you to create a purpose-built solution for your needs. This network management tool is extremely versatile. Here are a few of PRTG Network Monitor’s key features:

ConfiBack (open-source)

ConfiBack (open-source)

ConfiBack, though not as versatile as some of its competitors, offers great value. This free tool comes with some surprisingly impressive features and may be a suitable option for those who are looking for a simple but effective network management solution.

Unfortunately, as a free tool, ConfiBack isn’t recommended for business use. This solution doesn’t include user authentication utilities and doesn’t offer patch management. Despite this, ConfiBack may be a good option for those with few network management needs and who are comfortable using open-source tools.

Network management

This error can have numerous causes and you should read the journal (filter it with -u NetworkManager ). For example, if NetworkManager took too long to establish connection, it will believe that the password is incorrect:

Avast Business Pro Plus

Network Management

หากพูดถึงภาวะเศรษฐกิจในปีนี้ คงไม่เกินจริงไปนักถ้าจะกล่าวว่ามีความท้าทายเกิดขึ้นมากมาย และยังไม่มีใครรู้ได้ว่าอนาคตที่น่าหวาดหวั่นจะจบลงอย่างไร แต่ที่แน่ๆสิ่งที่องค์กรเข้าใจดีแล้วในช่วงสองสามปีที่ผ่านมาก็คือการปรับตัวเข้าสู่ระบบดิจิทัลให้สามารถแข่งขันได้ผ่านออนไลน์ หรือปรับปรุงกระบวนการทำงานเดิมให้มีประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด หนึ่งในหัวใจสำคัญของระบบดิจิทัลก็คือ ‘การเชื่อมต่อ’ ที่ต้องมีประสิทธิภาพและสเถียรภาพโดย 1 ใน 5 กลยุทธ์ของ AIS Business ที่สอดคล้องกับการฝ่าวิกฤติให้ธุรกิจไทยได้ก้าวต่อไปก็คือเรื่อง Intelligence Network ที่สามารถตอบโจทย์ได้อย่างยืดหยุ่นและชาญฉลาดกว่าเดิม วันนี้ทีมงาน TechTalkThai ขอพาทุกท่านไปเจาะลึกกลยุทธ์นี้กันครับ

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To configure and have easy access to NetworkManager, most users will want to install an applet. This GUI front-end usually resides in the system tray (or notification area) and allows network selection and configuration of NetworkManager. Various desktop environments have their own applet. Otherwise you can use #nm-applet.


KDE Plasma


Be aware that after enabling the tick-box option Make available to other users for a connection, NetworkManager stores the password in plain-text, though the respective file is accessible only to root (or other users via nm-applet ). See #Encrypted Wi-Fi passwords.

The applet can show notifications for events such as connecting to or disconnecting from a WiFi network. For these notifications to display, ensure that you have a notification server installed – see Desktop notifications. If you use the applet without a notification server, you might see some messages in stdout/stderr, and the applet might hang. See [1].

Warning: On i3, if nm-applet is started with the –no-agent option, it is not possible to connect to a new encrypted WiFi network by clicking on the item list because no password input dialogue window will pop out. journal will show no secrets: No agents were available for this request .



Alternatively there is networkmanager-dmenu-git AUR which is a small script to manage NetworkManager connections with dmenu or rofi instead of nm-applet . It provides all essential features such as connection to existing NetworkManager wifi or wired connections, connect to new wifi connections, requests passphrase if required, connect to existing VPN connections, enable/disable networking, launch nm-connection-editor GUI, connect to Bluetooth networks.

Benefits of network management software

  • Downtime reduction: Network downtime is a serious issue and can affect businesses tremendously, causing inconvenience, a lack of productivity, and a huge loss of money. Network management software monitors your network health and associated hardware, diagnosing the problems and quickly resolving them, ensuring maximum uptime.
  • Clear visibility: Without clear network visibility of your device, your business may be at risk of recurring problems and errors. Network software management with managed IT, as well as detailed network monitoring, helps you increase and improve your overall network device visibility, resulting in better performance and network traffic monitoring.
  • Higher scalability: With growing network demand comes increasing network complexity, and purely manual management may lead to human error. Equipping your business with robust network management software helps keep pace with evolving network management needs, leading to efficient growth and making you more competitive.
  • Enhanced security: Malicious attacks and hacking are on a rapid rise and are not going to stop anytime soon. That being said, small businesses can’t afford the risk of security breaches. Network management software offers the right protection, ensuring that all the potential risks and threats get immediate attention.

Finding the right network management software that meets your IT management needs can be quite overwhelming. Keep the following considerations in mind when looking for the perfect software to help you narrow down your options:

  • Find a software that meets your business requirements: Select a network management software that can handle all the tasks that your business requires. For instance, if your business needs something to help with network monitoring and performance tracking, be sure that the software vendors you are reviewing have those features.
  • Easy to use and implement: User-friendliness is a critical factor when it comes to purchasing any software, and network management software is no different. Ask yourself while choosing a solution for your business whether or not it’s easy to use and gives you actionable insights in real time.
  • Fits within your budget: Due to budget constraints, cost becomes a concern for many small businesses. With this in mind, be sure to choose a network management software that fulfills all your networking needs but doesn’t drain your pocket at the same time.
  • Must be fully encrypted: Hackers are always looking for vulnerable points to exploit within your business, so it becomes crucial for you to invest in well-encrypted network management software that protects your business networks from all threats.
  • Provide after-sales support: Whenever you are choosing network management software, it’s crucial to keep a keen eye on after-sales service support offerings that should include phone, email, or chat support.

Market trends to understand

  • Increased demand for SASE adoption: Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) technology is an emerging security technology that provides secure access to applications and data located in the cloud or on-premises. SASE helps organizations to protect their sensitive information while allowing authorized users to securely access the information from any device, anywhere. As per Gartner’s predictions, by 2025, around 60% of businesses will have clear plans and roadmaps for SASE adoption.
  • Software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) tech adoption: The move toward remote work has made it imperative for remote workers to use software to access their company’s network. Using SD-WAN software, they can access company-wide area networks (WAN) using only software-based entry points. Gartner forecasts that by the end of 2023, 60% of enterprises will implement SD-WAN to increase network agility and improve support for cloud apps.

Note: The applications mentioned in this article are examples to show a feature in context and are not intended as endorsements or recommendations. They have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable at the time of publication.


Overview of Dynamics 365 Sales

When creating a sales forecast, we recommend you combine your data from your potential sales with historical data and carefully estimate future revenue to account for differences in market conditions, as well as your business’s growth rate.

Sales data: How to analyze sales data and a sample Excel spreadsheet

Sales data is a term that includes a large array of metrics but, broadly speaking, if you can measure something in relation to the sales process, it’s viable sales data. Modern software like Cloud CRM solutions can help you collect this data, but it’s important to learn how to read this data to understand what it means for your business and where you can improve.

With such an expansive sales data definition, it can be hard to know where to focus your efforts—especially if you also have to spend time selling. Should you be monitoring the average time deals spend in your pipeline or the engagement rate of your automated email campaign? Would your sales forecast benefit more from an analysis of successful meeting rates or your average deal size?

With the right sales analysis tools, you’ll have a wealth of information and be able to spot trends that will empower you and your team and provide better sales forecasts and goals for the rest of the organization.

View the Comparison chart

Meet buyers where they are

CapabilityDescriptionReference links
Know the exact customer to engageShorten the sales cycle with a single workspace that has everything that sellers need to engage the right customer, stay focused, maximize productivity.Administrator: Configure the sales accelerator
Seller: Prioritize your sales pipeline by using the work list
Complete the next best activityHelp sellers focus by giving them clear and achievable sales activities, prioritized through artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive scoring.Administrator: Configure the sales accelerator
Seller: Prioritize your sales pipeline by using the work list
Communicate with effective call techniquesConverse with empathy by employing AI-powered conversation intelligence to detect customer emotion, sentiment, and priorities.Administrator: First-run setup experience for conversation intelligence
Seller: View and understand call summary page
Connect across channelsStreamline selling with integrated multichannel communications such as, soft phone dialer, Microsoft Teams dialer, and email templates.Administrator:
– Integrate a sample softphone with Dynamics 365 Sales
– Configure Microsoft Teams dialer
– Set up enhanced email
– Call a customer
– Send email using the enhanced email experience
Meet and collaborate virtuallyProvide coordinated virtual engagement with an enterprise collaboration hub that brings together colleagues, customers, and contextual customer data.Administrator: Install and set up Microsoft Teams integration
Seller: Basic Collaboration experience for Microsoft Teams integration with customer engagement apps in Dynamics 365
Gather and act on customer feedbackSee the customer’s point of view and improve sales engagement by incorporating survey insights from Dynamics 365 Customer Voice—included with Dynamics 365 Sales.Dynamics 365 Customer Voice documentation

Build relationships

CapabilityDescriptionReference link
Get insights from LinkedIn Sales NavigatorWithin a unified experience from Dynamics 365, view contextual LinkedIn profiles and insights as part of account, contact, lead, and opportunities records.Administrator: Integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator solutions for Dynamics 365 Sales
Sales manager/Seller: How to sync LinkedIn leads by using Dynamics 365 Connector for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
Find new buyersSee recommended leads and discover mutual connections who can provide a warm introduction.Administrator:
– Integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator solutions for Dynamics 365 Sales
– Configure who knows whom
-How to sync LinkedIn leads by using Dynamics 365 Connector for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
– How to get introduced to a lead
Keep track of buyersWithin a unified experience from Dynamics 365 Sales, find out when contacts change jobs and visualize relationships between contacts with interactive org charts.Administrator: Integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator solutions for Dynamics 365 Sales
Sales manager/Seller: How to sync LinkedIn leads by using Dynamics 365 Connector for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
Get a unified view of interactionsUse a comprehensive timeline across Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator to deliver consistent experiences.Administrator: Integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator solutions for Dynamics 365 Sales
Sales manager/Seller: How to sync LinkedIn leads by using Dynamics 365 Connector for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
Identify customers who need attentionTrack relationships with a single score based on signals from Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 that reveal relationship health and risks.Administrator: Configure relationship analytics and health
Seller: Use relationship analytics to gather KPIs
Know how to engage customersGet proactive guidance on topics such as personalized talking points, internal relationships, icebreakers, and next best actions to move relationships forward.Administrator: Configure talking points
Seller: Know conversation starters for your customers

Collaborate seamlessly

CapabilityDescriptionReference link
Gain visibility into the right dataAccess customer data and insights in Microsoft Teams to collaborate productively within the sales team.Administrator: Install and set up Microsoft Teams integration
Seller: Basic Collaboration experience for Microsoft Teams integration with customer engagement apps in Dynamics 365
Communicate in contextUse embedded Microsoft Teams chats in Dynamics 365 for real-time collaboration within the sales team.Administrator: Install and set up Microsoft Teams integration
Seller: Enhanced Collaboration Experience with Microsoft Teams


IT white papers

But a great way to add some visual interest to your white paper layout is to pick an accent color that you can use to make parts of your page pop. For example, this content marketing white paper template contrasts two cool corporate blue accents:

White paper example - CodinGame

White paper examples we’ll cover (click to jump ahead):

Businesses write white papers for a number of reasons. It’s a great document to showcase a company’s expertise in the field and to win over investors. A white paper can also be used for marketing purposes and brand awareness.

1. Create an eye-catching white paper cover page

Employment Engagement White Paper Template

2. Highlight key takeaways to summarize the information in your white paper template

Blue Simple Social Media White Paper Examples

Modern Marketing White Paper Examples

Pro Tip: Not sure which template is right for your use case? Venngage has a massive catalog of 500+ professional and engaging templates you can customize today. No more boring Word documents or endlessly struggling with expensive design tools. Browse our white paper templates.

3. Incorporate photos in your white paper layout which resemble your target users.

Health White Paper Template

Account Information

Username must be unique. Password must be a minimum of 6 characters and have any 3 of the 4 items: a number (0 through 9), a special character (such as !, $, #, %), an uppercase character (A through Z) or a lowercase (a through z) character (no spaces).

TechRepublic’s Resource Library is the web’s largest directory of free vendor-supplied technical content. Take advantage of the library’s white papers on an array of topics, from Big Data to cloud computing, mobility to security.

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As tech and business leaders envision new AI experiences that accelerate transformation and business growth, it is on you to bring that vision to life through an AI-first data strategy. This eBook details eight steps to creating a data strategy that embodies an AI-first mentality. Learn how to master the transience of data in AI .

Is Your Tech Ready For Customer Obsession?

Is Your Tech Ready For Customer Obsession?

Setting your organization on the path to customer obsession means modernizing, consolidating, and simplifying your tech stack. This includes sifting through the sea of emerging technologies to identify which will be most effective in delivering an exceptional customer experience. Shifting your technology portfolio to win, serve, and retain customers is not a quick fix. In .

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Your business and technology leaders have a vision: to drive business performance with modern technology that adapts to changing customer and employee expectations. It is up to you to bring this bold, new vision to life with a flexible technology architecture and delivery model that enables digital and business transformation success. This eBook introduces a .

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Ransomware: A Beginner’s Guide to Threat Detection

If you have been following the news, you’ll have most certainly been bombarded by the term ransomware. Almost every week, another large company publicly discloses being impacted by this type of attack. Due to the increased awareness of ransomware, one may think that this is a new phenomenon. But it’s not. This whitepaper introduces you .

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Adopting a Technology Rotation Program from Dell Improves Operational and Cost Efficiencies for Servers

Dell server customers interviewed are achieving a 26% savings over six years when they use Technology Rotation for their server needs compared to purchasing servers. To understand the benefits of server refreshes and costs associated with aging server infrastructure, IDC conducted two analyses based on interviews with study participants that inform this research: A before/after .

The Business Value of Dell’s Technology Rotation Program

The Business Value of Dell’s Technology Rotation Program

Digital infrastructure resiliency is a top priority for most organizations: IDC research indicates that 59% of organizations are focused on reducing the time and effort to manage their technology investments. Organizations are focused on improving operational efficiencies, business agility, user satisfaction levels, and meeting sustainability goals. Dell’s technology rotation program helps organizations achieve these goals: .

Adopting a Technology Rotation Program from Dell Improves Operational and Cost Efficiencies for Storage

Handling your white paper leads

When it comes to content marketing, however, the most common use for white papers over the last several years has become lead generation. In chapter 6, we discussed how to bring readers to your white paper and capture their information.

Once you’ve properly gated your white paper and set up a solid distribution strategy, it’s time to think about how you’ll handle the leads that come in. If not properly tracked and nurtured, leads will quickly become cold and won’t lead to increased sales for your company. So how do you follow up with leads and maximize the opportunity you’ve created with your white paper?

How to track your white paper leads

The buyer’s journey outlines the steps a person goes through, from becoming aware of a problem they have, to learning about different solutions to that problem, to eventually purchasing a product or service (hopefully yours) that solves their problem.

White paper customer journey

To maximize the chances your new leads become paying customers, you must take the abstract concept of a buyer’s journey and map it to your specific content ecosystem. The actions your prospects take on your website can be indicative of what stage of the journey they’re in.

For example, you may see someone read a blog post on your site, then come back a day later to get your white paper, and then finally sign up for a free trial or an email list. After that, they might decide to make a purchase. As patterns begin to emerge around the journey your customers take, you’ll learn what actions on your part can help them to advance.

There are many tools available to help you analyze this journey for yourself. Google Analytics is probably the most widely used. It lets you track and compile data regarding user behavior on your website. You can define goals and generate reports that will show you steps users tend to take before completing those goals.

Targeting stages of the buyer’s journey

The question you should seek to answer is, where does it provide the most value to your potential customers? Do you see greater success when accessing your gated white paper is a prospect’s first interaction with your company? Or is it perhaps more effective to use it as an offer once visitors have returned a second (or third) time to your site?

You can see that white papers don’t exist in isolation but act as a member of an ecosystem. The related blog posts, landing pages, emails, social messages, and follow up sequences must all be carefully orchestrated and properly timed.

Following up with your leads

    If, for example, your white paper targets the awareness stage and the leads you gather are relatively unfamiliar with your company, it might be smart to enroll them in an email sequence that highlights other pieces of content on your site such as blog posts that are relevant to the topic they showed interest in.

Be prepared to write a lot more content

By this point, you should have all the ingredients you need to make your white paper a rousing success. However, you’ll notice by now the reality that your white paper fits into a larger ecosystem of marketing actions and content.

From white papers, to blog posts, to podcasts, the type of content that will drive conversions for your business is something you’ll discover over time. What’s certain is that one type won’t satisfy all your audience’s needs. Because of that, you should be prepared to fill the rest of your buyer’s journey with other appropriate content.

This means lots of writing. There’s no way around that. It means coming up with content ideas, creating them, distributing them, and measuring their success — then rinsing and repeating. After this primer, you should be fully equipped for success writing not only white papers but whatever content you choose along your journey.

IT white papers

Der Zeitaufwand für das Erstellen eines wirklich guten White Papers – und das sollte in jedem Fall dein Ziel sein – beläuft sich, je nach Komplexität des Themas und eigener Fachkenntnis, auf 30 – 50 Arbeitsstunden.

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White Paper: Benefit of Embedded Edge Database

Smart sensors and devices are becoming an important part of the Internet of Things. They are continuously changing the way we automate our jobs by employing intelligent systems to improve production of factories, manage smart home energy to monitor and reduce energy costs, and even automate transportation to improve driver safety. Sensors on Edge networks are transmitting data that must be processed for online and offline data analysis so the system can analyze the large quantity flow of data and only store the most valuable information.

The world that we live in is continuously transforming. The way energy is managed at home, the way medical devices manage and monitor our personal health data, and the way devices inside robots improve the production of a factory are all changing. Sensors, sophisticated chips, and an exceptional number of objects are embedded everywhere and are becoming more important in our daily lives in order to produce, transmit and receive data.

White Paper: Confident Memory Management on Embedded Devices

Embedded software applications face many challenges that are not present on desktop computers. Memory allocation is an important factor for providing the performance and reliability that is necessary on an embedded device. Storing, organizing, and sharing data makes up a large part of the memory requirements for an application. A device application can use an embedded database library to manage memory more effectively, by both imposing bounds on memory usage and analyzing worst-case behavior in a consistent way.

Data modeling is a design technique used by developers to help understand complex problems involving interrelated information. This technique originates in enterprise databases where hundreds of tables can store billions of records.

Cyber Security & IT Security White Papers and Resource Library: CyberSecoOP Resource Library on of the web’s largest directories of free technical content. Take advantage of the library’s white papers on various topics, from information security, big data, cloud computing, data management, and compliance to mobility.

Latest Security White Papers and Resource Library

Take Action with Ransomware Defense Best Practices

Why Are Cyber Insurance Premiums Rising?

CMMC 2.0 - CMMC Reduce Cybersecurity Requirements

Zero Trust Readiness & Assessment

CyberSecOp’s Advanced Threat Intelligence Service

Cyber Resilience & Threat Hunting as a Service

SSL/TLS Certificate Lifecycle Management Solution

Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Dark Web Monitoring Services

Enterprise Dark Web Monitoring - Cybersecurity Service

Security Operations Center (SOC) Case Study

The State of Information Security

Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems

AI Driven Cyber Security Solutions

Benefit of a Managed Security Service Provider

Ransomware Report 2018 - Cybersecurity Awareness

Dark Web Monitoring - Cyber Security Protecting

Why do you need Data Loss Prevention

 Cyber Security 10 Steps Program

VISO- Information Security Program


Keep up to date with the latest Information Security and IT Security white paper

Your #1 place for Information Security, Cyber Security & IT Security White Papers, Enterprise Security and Expert Insights from Information Security Professionals. A global cooperative cyber threat / internet security monitor and alert system providing insight from a security prospective, this blog tackle major security solutions, InfoSec hacks, tricks and solutions white paper.

Your Trusted Security Consulting Partner

CyberSecOp provides high-end cyber security consulting services and incident response support for organizations worldwide. Our cyber security customer service support can be contacted using the Contact Us form, or you can reach our live customer service representatives 24/7 using our Live Chat and 866-973-2677.

What Does Cybersecurity Compliance Mean?

Ransomware Protection with Zero Trust Security

Cyber Security Breach Defense & Ransomware Risk Reduction

CyberSecOp is an ISO 27001 Certified Cyber Security Consulting Firm

Top 14 Cyber Security Vendor Due Diligence Questions

Wie bringst du dein White Paper an deine Zielkunden?

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Wie du nunmehr festgestellt hast, hat sich das Konsum- und Kaufverhalten deiner Interessenten und potenziellen Kunden im Internet in den letzten Jahren grundlegend geändert. Nicht mehr der Spontankauf steht im Vordergrund, sondern die Informationsbeschaffung und der Vergleich von Angeboten.

Die Folge dieser Anpassung an die Kundenwünsche seitens Google führte und führt auch in Zukunft dazu, dass Websites, welche minderwertigen oder mageren Content ohne Nutzen und Mehrwert liefern, in den Suchergebnissen weit nach hinten rutschen und von den Interessenten nicht mehr gefunden und besucht werden.

Diese Leads, hinter denen sich nichts anderes verbirgt als Interessenten an deinem Produkt oder deiner Dienstleistung, kannst du mit etwas Geschick und Fingerspitzengefühl zu treuen Kontakten und zahlenden Kunden machen. Immer vorausgesetzt, du lieferst weiterhin wertvolle Informationen und hohe Qualität.

Natürlich wissen wir, dass die Recherche und die Erstellung eines qualitativ hochwertigen White Papers viel Zeit brauchen – wie bereits erwähnt, beläuft sich der Zeitaufwand auf etwa 30 – 50 Arbeitsstunden. Unsere Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet zeigt jedoch, dass sich ein solches White Paper in jedem Fall rechnet. Egal, ob es von einem externen Spezialisten erstellt oder in mühevoller Kleinarbeit selbst zusammengestellt wurde.

Mit White Papers hältst du das Risiko, von Google wegen minderwertiger Inhalte abgestraft zu werden nicht nur von deiner Website und deinem Unternehmen fern, sondern du springst damit sogar auf den Zug auf, dessen Richtung der Konsument vorgibt, und orientierst dich an dessen Bedürfnissen.

Und wenn wir eines aus den Veränderungen im Online-Business der letzten Jahre gelernt haben, dann ist es Folgendes: Wenn du diesen Weg gehst, wird es dir der Kunde mit Loyalität und schlussendlich mit der Inanspruchnahme deines Angebotes danken.

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Einige persönliche Worte des Autors

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Sollte es daran liegen, dass dir die Zeit für ein effektives Content Marketing fehlt oder du nicht über die notwendigen personellen Ressourcen verfügst, dann ist das kein Problem. Kontaktiere uns für ein unverbindliches Gespräch, wir unterstützen dich gerne und finden gemeinsam eine Lösung. Solltest du zum Thema White Paper noch irgendwelche Fragen haben, wende dich vertrauensvoll an mich oder einen unserer Spezialisten.

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IT white papers

Intelligent embedded systems and devices that produce and consume information are the basis for innovative new products that make informed decisions to improve our everyday lives. While these products span every market, including medical devices, industrial automation, home automation, appliances, automotive, and many more, their defining characteristic is the capacity to both collect and process data.

CyberSecOp’s Advanced Threat Intelligence Service

White Paper: Benefit of Embedded Edge Database

Smart sensors and devices are becoming an important part of the Internet of Things. They are continuously changing the way we automate our jobs by employing intelligent systems to improve production of factories, manage smart home energy to monitor and reduce energy costs, and even automate transportation to improve driver safety. Sensors on Edge networks are transmitting data that must be processed for online and offline data analysis so the system can analyze the large quantity flow of data and only store the most valuable information.

The world that we live in is continuously transforming. The way energy is managed at home, the way medical devices manage and monitor our personal health data, and the way devices inside robots improve the production of a factory are all changing. Sensors, sophisticated chips, and an exceptional number of objects are embedded everywhere and are becoming more important in our daily lives in order to produce, transmit and receive data.

White Paper: Confident Memory Management on Embedded Devices

Embedded software applications face many challenges that are not present on desktop computers. Memory allocation is an important factor for providing the performance and reliability that is necessary on an embedded device. Storing, organizing, and sharing data makes up a large part of the memory requirements for an application. A device application can use an embedded database library to manage memory more effectively, by both imposing bounds on memory usage and analyzing worst-case behavior in a consistent way.

Data modeling is a design technique used by developers to help understand complex problems involving interrelated information. This technique originates in enterprise databases where hundreds of tables can store billions of records.

Your Trusted Security Consulting Partner

CyberSecOp provides high-end cyber security consulting services and incident response support for organizations worldwide. Our cyber security customer service support can be contacted using the Contact Us form, or you can reach our live customer service representatives 24/7 using our Live Chat and 866-973-2677.

What Does Cybersecurity Compliance Mean?

Ransomware Protection with Zero Trust Security

Cyber Security Breach Defense & Ransomware Risk Reduction

CyberSecOp is an ISO 27001 Certified Cyber Security Consulting Firm

Top 14 Cyber Security Vendor Due Diligence Questions
